Through HN, I have stumbled upon Cletus blog, and I have
read this
post of his. It enticed me to try out some version of mine for
the dynamic programming version. Here it is, coded in racket with a
contract and a small test case.
#lang racket (provide (contract-out [pascal-triangle (-> exact-positive-integer? vector?)])) (define (pascal-triangle n) (define (loop accumulator row) (if (= n row) accumulator (let* ([previous (vector-ref accumulator (sub1 (vector-length accumulator)))] [current-row (vector-append #(1) (for/vector ((i (in-range 1 row))) (+ (vector-ref previous (sub1 i)) (vector-ref previous i))) #(1))]) (loop (vector-append accumulator (vector current-row)) (add1 row))))) (loop #(#(1)) 1)) (for ([row (pascal-triangle 30)]) (displayln row))
See you.
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